Tuesday 9 August 2011


"Sustenance: A source of strength and nourishment" (Oxford Dictionary)

My interpretation of Sustenance: A network of relationships (friends and family) that one constantly relies on to gain their strength and nourishment.

After my "waking moment", the internet/phone is the first thing I access to re-connect to friends (through texting or checking for new messages). The internet/phone allows a user to connect to people tangibly through intangible/unseen pathways (wireless internet, signals, the ether) and sources its power from cables and electricity.

Using that concept, I've designed a meeting-place, where people can meet face-to-face or over distances through the internet/phone. It is a giant cable that winds through the city, through buildings and can also be found in segments sitting on sidewalks, on a building roof etc- it metaphorically translates the idea of relationship "networks" and encourages people to re-connect through the day. The long lengths of benches inside the tunnel draws on the idea that before social sites like Facebook, parks were (and still are) meeting places during breaks or used just generally as a social spot.

This idea is based on the importance of interpersonal relationships, whether through the older or newer ways of communication.

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