Tuesday 16 August 2011

3D Concept

Made in 3ds max. Just simple pics of the realised concept in different views. It can be seen as a section of the whole pipeline or an independent "pod".

Angled View
The pipeline can be segments or a long length, so there is an added value in to individual "pods", as the short length allows less people inside walking through the tube-  therefore there is increased privacy and quiet for those who are on social networks like Facebook vs. people meeting others for a face-to-face conversation.

Sectional View
The concentric layers of sheet metal overlaying (top and bottom) the framework is visible, as well as the horizontal lengths of steel between the two layers that form part of the frame. The two circles on the left are pipes that hold important electrical wiring/ethernet cables that run through the tunnel system. 

Kind-of Elevation
This segment can be seen as part of the whole length of pipe or a standalone "pod". The openings allow easy access into the "pod" and the rectangular opening allows a window to be placed or can be open to allow airflow. It is placed low on the structure so that light won't be refracted off laptop screens and reduces glare vs. if it was placed directly behind the person/the seating. 

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