Friday 29 July 2011

"Waking Up"

So I'm at Uni on Saturday and I don't know why. And because there's no one here to listen to my complaining fantastic insights, I'm doing something I promised myself I'd never do- talk to my blog (using the blog for more than appeasing my lecturer and to pass my paper).

Some "Waking Up" Verbal Diarrhea Interpretations:
  • Seeing something in a new light/clarity: As Ian said about the memory mini-project- a moment that invokes a emotion that you experience which changes your reality. A common theme is adopting a holistic perspective on life- the (in)significance (or place of) an individual existence the larger scheme of things. 
    (Getting dangerously deep here: Existential Crisis!).
  • The moment a baby  first opens their eyes. What does the world look like from that kind of untainted viewpoint? Another interesting thought: when does one become self-aware and cognizant?
  • Waking Dreams: That drifting moment between sleeping and literally "waking up". Between dreaming/reality. Like the movie- Inception... Matrix... the layers of alternate reality (which one is the real one?)
  • I'm sounding more and more uncomfortably like Michael Milojevic when he rambles.
  • Not being disillusioned: "waking up" unpleasantly and uncomfortably.
  • Catharsis
  • Possibilism: Like the French Revolution (Following my General Education that we partly based our section on: History) and the toppling of known reality... possibilism before things become fixed. Rationalism vs. Irrationality
Or you could just wake up the normal way... by opening your eyes.

And here endeth the blog.
(Now to translate this into architecture and not some English Literature scholarship essay)

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