Wednesday 27 July 2011

Using 3DS MAX

Instructions for Sculptie Mapping

-> New Document
-> Maximise Viewpoint Toggle: this splits the screen into four perspectives and makes it easier to position and scale objects
-> Right toolbar ... Create ... Geometry ... Under "Standard Primitives", switch to "Prim Composer"
-> Choose Object Type: "SculptMap", Convert to "Editable Poly", Stitching Type (Object)
-> Modify Tab ... Selection "Vertex"
-> Under Soft Selection: "Use Soft Selection" to sync multiple points bending, optional "Relax" to smooth down any spiky shapes
-> Manipulate Shape
-> Go to SculptGenMax ... Generate sculptmap ... Save to file with file type compatible with SL
Manipulating Random Shape

My "Bowl"

To Upload Onto SL

Load as Bulk .bmp. Create and change Object to "Sculpted" and drag into "Sculpt Texture" from Library.

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