Wednesday 21 September 2011

What is "Pre-futurism"?

"Pre-futurist": A dysfunctional marriage between the utopian, the surreal and the future, yet grounded in the present and the now because of the limitations at the moment. It looks towards the future from the seat of post-modernism; what could technology bring in terms of new materials, new construction methods? What would architecture be when constrained by space- building up and though? When people are more concerned about sustainability and revival? "Pre-futurism" is a view of how buildings could look in another century from now "the future", without going through the development of the first fifty years.

    "Pre-Futurism is not one of those feel-good "carpe diem" movements or anything nearly so trite. How could we possibly hope to seize the day when the day so completely seizes us?

    Pre-Futurism is not stuck in the moment, ignorant of consequences and empty of plans, doomed to future failures by repetition of a forgotten history. Pre-Futurism expands the moment, transforms it to Now, and includes in it consequences, plans, and a very long memory.

    Pre-Futurism ain't about to get all hung-up on what's to come, anyhow, man. Pre-Futurism ain't gonna sit around moping over what coulda been. Pre-Futurism needs nothing more than Now for motivation."

Architects that come to mind: Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry...

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